Ejercicios de verbos irregulares en inglés online – (Para aprender y aprobar exámenes)

ejercicios online verbos irregulares

¡Aprender los verbos irregulares en inglés no tiene que ser difícil! En este post, te mostraremos algunos ejercicios divertidos para ayudarte a aprender estas palabras importantes. A través de la práctica y la repetición, los verbos irregulares se harán más familiares. ¡Dale una oportunidad a estos ejercicios y veras que aprenderlos puede ser divertido! ¡Vamos a empezar! En esta ocasión, hemos ampliado la dificultad porque queremos que saques buena nota, por lo que podrías encontrarte verbos regulares o irregulares, así demostrarás tu nivel al máximo. Antes, estudia la lista de verbos irregulares en inglés. Mira también más lecciones de verbos irregulares en inglés.

ejercicios online verbos irregulares

Practicar los verbos irregulares de inglés con ejercicios:

Algunos ejercicios salen varias veces para mejorar tu retención.

I closed the door before I (leave) ___  the house.

I (loose) ___ my keys yesterday but I found them this morning.

She (forget) ____ her notebook at home, so she had to go back for it.

We (see) ___ the fireworks in the sky last night.

He finally (understand) ___ what I said after I explained it again.

She (teach) ___ her students how to make French crepes this morning.

They (swim) ___ in the pool for an hour yesterday.

He (choose) ___ to go to the amusement park instead of seeing a movie.

She (build) ___ a birdhouse in her backyard last week.

We (speak) ___ to each other in English at the dinner table.

He (break) ___ his arm after he fell off his bike.

I (catch) ___ the train just in time.

She (come) ___ home late last night.

He (draw) ___ a picture of his dog.

We (drink) ___ coffee while we were talking.

I (eat) ___ breakfast before I left for school.

They (fall) ___ asleep during the movie.

He (fly) ___ a kite in the park this afternoon.

She (forgive) ___ him for lying to her.

We (give) ___ them a ride home.

I (go) ___ to the store yesterday afternoon.

They (grow) ___ vegetables in their garden

He (hang) ___ a picture on the wall.

She (have) ___ a baby this morning.

We (hear) ___ a loud noise outside.

I (hide) ___ my keys in my sock drawer

They (hold) ___ hands as they walked.

He (keep) ___ the secret for years

She (know) ___ the answer to the question.

We (lay) ___ down in bed early last night.

I (lead) ___ them to the right path.

They (leave) ___ for school early this morning.

He (lend) ___ me some money last week.

She (let) ___ him borrow her car.

We (lie) ___ on the beach all afternoon.

I (lose) ___ my wallet last week.

They (make) ___ dinner for us this evening.

He (mean) ___ to hurt her feelings.

She (meet) ___ him at the airport.

We (pay) ___ for the meal last night.

I (put) ___ my coat on when I left.

They (read) ___ a book together this morning.

He (ride) ___ his bike to work every day.

She (ring) ___ the doorbell before she left.

We (run) ___ to catch the bus.

I (say) ___ goodbye before I left.

They (see) ___ a movie last night.

He (sell) ___ his car last month.

She (send) ___ a letter to her friend.

We (shake) ___ hands when we met.

I (shine) ___ my shoes before I left the house.

They (shoot) ___ some hoops in the park.

He (show) ___ her how to do it.

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She (shut) ___ the window before she left.

We (sing) ___ a song together this morning.

I (sit) ___ in the chair for a few hours.

They (sleep) ___ late yesterday morning.

He (smell) ___ something burning when he came in.

She (speak) ___ to her teacher after class.

We (spend) ___ the day at the beach.

I (stand) ___ up when he walked in the room.

They (take) ___ a walk in the park yesterday afternoon.

He (teach) ___ his students math this morning.

She (tell) ___ a funny story at the party.

We (think) ___ about what to do next.

I (throw) ___ away my old clothes last week.

They (understand) ___ what was happening.

He (wear) ___ a suit to the ceremony.

She (win) ___ the game last night.

We (write) ___ a letter to our grandparents.

I (cry) ___ when I heard the news.

They (dig) ___ a hole in their backyard.

He (dive) ___ into the pool this morning.

She (do) ___ her homework before she went to bed.

We (drag) ___ the suitcase up the stairs.

I (dream) ___ about my future last night.

They (drive) ___ to the beach this afternoon.

He (drop) ___ his phone in the river.

She (eat) ___ lunch with her friends yesterday.

We (fall) ___ asleep while watching the movie.

I (feed) ___ the birds in my backyard this morning.

They (feel) ___ sad when they heard the news.

He (find) ___ his lost keys this morning.

She (fly) ___ to Paris last week.

We (forget) ___ to bring a lunch.

I (freeze) ___ when I saw the snake.

They (get) ___ up early this morning.

He (give) ___ her a present for her birthday.

She (go) ___ to the store last night.

We (grow) ___ flowers in our garden this summer.

I (hang) ___ up my coat when I got home.

They (have) ___ dinner at a fancy restaurant last night.

He (hear) ___ the news from his friend.

She (hide) ___ her books from her brother.

We (hit) ___ the road early this morning.

I (hold) ___ my breath underwater for a minute.

They (hurt) ___ themselves while playing.

He (keep) ___ his promise to her.

She (know) ___ the answer to the question.

We (lay) ___ down for a nap this afternoon.

I (lead) ___ the way when we went for a walk.

They (leave) ___ early this morning.

He (lend) ___ her some money last week.

She (let) ___ her dog out of the house.

We (light) ___ some candles for the dinner.

I (lose) ___ my keys last week.

They (make) ___ dinner together last night.

He (mean) ___ what he said.

She (meet) ___ her friend at the park.

We (pay) ___ for our lunch yesterday.

I (put) ___ my coat on before I left.

They (quit) ___ their job last month.

He (read) ___ his book last night.

She (ride) ___ her bike to school this morning.

We (ring) ___ the bell when we got to the door.

He (read) ___ his book last night.

She (ride) ___ her bike to school this morning.

We (ring) ___ the bell when we got to the door.

I (run) ___ a marathon last weekend.

They (say) ___ goodbye before they left.

He (see) ___ a bear on his hike.

She (sell) ___ her car last month.

We (send) ___ a postcard from our holiday.

I (shake) ___ hands with the new employee.

They (shoot) ___ some hoops this afternoon.

He (show) ___ his friends the way to the beach.

She (sing) ___ a song in the shower.

We (sit) ___ around the campfire last night.

I (sleep) ___ late this morning

They (smell) ___ the flowers in the garden

He (speak) ___ to the new student.

She (spend) ___ the weekend with her family.

We (spread) ___ the blanket on the beach.

I (stand) ___ up for what I believe in.

They (steal) ___ the car last night.

He (stop) ___ to get gas on the way.

She (swim) ___ in the lake this morning.

We (take) ___ a break from work.

I (teach) ___ my cousin how to ride a bike.

They (tell) ___ jokes at the party last night.

He (think) ___ about what he said before he spoke.

She (throw) ___ a surprise party for her friend.

We (understand) ___ the instructions.

I (wake) ___ up early this morning.

They (wear) ___ hats to the beach yesterday.

He (win) ___ the race last week.

She (write) ___ a letter to her grandmother.

He (read) ___ his book last night.

She (ride) ___ her bike to school this morning.

We (ring) ___ the bell when we got to the door.

I (run) ___ a marathon last weekend

They (say) ___ goodbye before they left.

He (see) ___ a bear on his hike.

She (sell) ___ her car last month

We (send) ___ a postcard from our holiday.

I (shake) ___ hands with the new employee.

They (shoot) ___ some hoops this afternoon

He (show) ___ his friends the way to the beach.

She (sing) ___ a song in the shower.

We (sit) ___ around the campfire last night.

I (sleep) ___ late this morning

They (smell) ___ the flowers in the garden

He (speak) ___ to the new student.

She (spend) ___ the weekend with her family.

We (spread) ___ the blanket on the beach.

I (stand) ___ up for what I believe in.

They (steal) ___ the car last night.

He (stop) ___ to get gas on the way.

She (swim) ___ in the lake this morning

We (take) ___ a break from work.

I (teach) ___ my cousin how to ride a bike.

They (tell) ___ jokes at the party last night

He (think) ___ about what he said before he spoke.

She (throw) ___ a surprise party for her friend.

We (understand) ___ the instructions.

I (wake) ___ up early this morning.

They (wear) ___ hats to the beach yesterday.

He (win) ___ the race last week.

She (write) ___ a letter to her grandmother.

The children (yell) ___ in excitement when they saw the fireworks.

He (zoom) ___ away in his car.

We (follow) ___ the map to get to the destination.

I (search) ___ the internet for information.

She (listen) ___ to the birds singing in the morning.

He (climb) ___ a mountain last weekend.

They (dance) ___ at the party last night.

We (dive) ___ off the boat into the water.

I (push) ___ the door open.

She (hug) ___ her friend when they met up.

He (fly) ___ a kite in the park.

They (carry) ___ the boxes to their new house.

We (catch) ___ a fish in the river.

I (jump) ___ over the puddle.

She (laugh) ___ at his jokes.

He (look) ___ for his keys this morning.

They (roll) ___ down the hill.

We (skip) ___ around the lake.

I (walk) ___ home from school.

She (whisper) ___ her secrets to him.

He (hope) ___ for the best.

They (fly) ___ to their vacation spot.

We (pick) ___ apples in the orchard.

I (cry) ___ when I watched the movie.

She (cheer) ___ for her team at the game.

He (point) ___ to the right when he answered the question.

They (aim) ___ for the target.

We (blink) ___ in surprise when we heard the news.

I (bark) ___ at the strangers on the street.

She (howl) ___ at the moon.

He (swoop) ___ down to pick up a stick.

They (nestle) ___ into their beds for the night.

We (clatter) ___ down the stairs.

I (gurgle) ___ in delight when I tasted the ice cream.

She (strut) ___ around with her head held high.

He (trot) ___ to the store in a hurry.

They (plod) ___ along the path.

We (sashay) ___ around the dance floor.

I (shuffle) ___ my feet as I waited in line.

She (swagger) ___ into the room.

He (skitter) ___ away when he heard the noise.

They (scurry) ___ around the corner.

We (saunter) ___ down the street.

I (amble) ___ across the bridge.

She (drift) ___ away while she was daydreaming.

He (dawdle) ___ around the park.

They (meander) ___ through the woods.

We (stroll) ___ along the beach.

I (scamper) ___ up the stairs.

She (surge) ___ forward with enthusiasm.

He (swish) ___ around the corner.

They (swoop) ___ down to catch the ball.

We (sprint) ___ across the finish line.

I (lumber) ___ across the room.

She (prance) ___ around the garden.

He (scuttle) ___ away from danger.

They (plunge) ___ into the water.

We (scurry) ___ to the store before it closed.

I (paddle) ___ down the river.

She (trudge) ___ through the snow.

He (wade) ___ through the water.

They (slither) ___ across the floor.

We (creep) ___ around the corner.

I (leap) ___ onto the trampoline.

She (bound) ___ up the stairs.

He (hurtle) ___ down the hill.

They (dart) ___ around the corner.

We (scamper) ___ away from danger.

I (lurch) ___ forward when the bus stopped suddenly.

She (gallop) ___ on her horse.

He (flounce) ___ away in a huff.

They (dash) ___ across the street.

We (skid) ___ to a stop.

I (vault) ___ over the fence.

She (clamber) ___ up the tree.

He (careen) ___ around the corner.

They (hustle) ___ to get ready on time.

We (clomp) ___ across the room.

I (cavort) ___ around the playground.

She (somersault) ___ off the diving board.

He (scuffle) ___ away from his opponent.

They (plunge) ___ into the lake.

We (sail) ___ across the lake.

I (glide) ___ across the ice.

She (traipse) ___ around the garden.

He (ripple) ___ with laughter.

They (slink) ___ away into the shadows.

We (swish) ___ down the hallway.

I (bob) ___ up and down in the waves.

She (stomp) ___ her feet in anger.

He (strut) ___ down the street with confidence.

They (skim) ___ across the surface of the water.

We (nestle) ___ into the corner of the sofa.

I (tiptoe) ___ around the house.

She (teeter) ___ across the room.

He (skim) ___ through the pages of a book.

They (dangle) ___ their feet over the edge of the pier.

We (lope) ___ along the trail.

I (bounce) ___ down the stairs.

She (sway) ___ back and forth on the swing.

He (stagger) ___ away in a drunken state.

They (frolic) ___ in the waves.

We (creep) ___ around the corner.

I (trundle) ___ down the hill in my wagon.

She (jog) ___ around the track.

He (saunter) ___ down the sidewalk.

They (sprint) ___ to their destination.

We (lumber) ___ through the snow.

I (jaunt) ___ around town.

She (hurtle) ___ across the finish line.

He (drift) ___ away in his boat.

They (skedaddle) ___ away from danger.

We (scurry) ___ back to the safety of our hiding place.

I (pace) ___ around the room.

She (sashay) ___ across the floor.

He (toddle) ___ across the room.

They (traverse) ___ the rocky terrain.

We (wobble) ___ down the hall.

I (scuttle) ___ across the floor

She (plod) ___ through the mud.

He (stalk) ___ towards his prey.

They (mosey) ___ down the street.

We (lug) ___ our bags up the stairs.

I (shuffle) ___ down the sidewalk.

She (scamper) ___ away from danger.

He (stride) ___ with purpose.

They (ambulate) ___ around the room.

We (lope) ___ down the trail.

I (meander) ___ along the shore.

She (ski) ___ down the mountain.

He (prowl) ___ around the perimeter of the camp.

They (creep) ___ through the forest.

We (hoist) ___ the sail.

I (zoom) ___ down the street on my bicycle.

She (scurry) ___ away from danger.

He (swoop) ___ down for a closer look.

They (stagger) ___ away from the explosion.

We (careen) ___ around the corner.

I (clomp) ___ around the playground.

She (tumble) ___ down the stairs.

He (prance) ___ around the ring.

They (trudge) ___ through the desert.

We (plunge) ___ into the lake.

We (pick) ___ apples in the orchard.

I (cry) ___ when I watched the movie.

She (cheer) ___ for her team at the game.

He (point) ___ to the right when he answered the question.

They (aim) ___ for the target.

We (blink) ___ in surprise when we heard the news.

I (bark) ___ at the strangers on the street.

She (howl) ___ at the moon.

He (swoop) ___ down to pick up a stick.

They (nestle) ___ into their beds for the night.

We (clatter) ___ down the stairs.

I (gurgle) ___ in delight when I tasted the ice cream.

She (strut) ___ around with her head held high.

He (trot) ___ to the store in a hurry.

They (plod) ___ along the path.

We (sashay) ___ around the dance floor.

I (shuffle) ___ my feet as I waited in line.

She (swagger) ___ into the room.

He (skitter) ___ away when he heard the noise.

They (scurry) ___ around the corner.

We (saunter) ___ down the street.

I (amble) ___ across the bridge.

She (drift) ___ away while she was daydreaming.

He (dawdle) ___ around the park.

They (meander) ___ through the woods.

We (stroll) ___ along the beach.

I (scamper) ___ up the stairs.

She (surge) ___ forward with enthusiasm.

He (swish) ___ around the corner.

They (swoop) ___ down to catch the ball.

We (sprint) ___ across the finish line.

I (lumber) ___ across the room.

She (prance) ___ around the garden.

He (scuttle) ___ away from danger.

They (plunge) ___ into the water.

We (scurry) ___ to the store before it closed.

I (paddle) ___ down the river.

She (trudge) ___ through the snow.

He (wade) ___ through the water.

They (slither) ___ across the floor.

We (creep) ___ around the corner.

I (leap) ___ onto the trampoline.

She (bound) ___ up the stairs.

He (hurtle) ___ down the hill.

They (dart) ___ around the corner.

We (scamper) ___ away from danger.

I (lurch) ___ forward when the bus stopped suddenly.

She (gallop) ___ on her horse.

He (flounce) ___ away in a huff.

They (dash) ___ across the street.

We (skid) ___ to a stop.

I (vault) ___ over the fence.

She (clamber) ___ up the tree.

He (careen) ___ around the corner.

They (hustle) ___ to get ready on time.

We (clomp) ___ across the room.

I (cavort) ___ around the playground.

She (somersault) ___ off the diving board.

He (scuffle) ___ away from his opponent.

They (plunge) ___ into the lake.

We (sail) ___ across the lake.

I (glide) ___ across the ice.

She (traipse) ___ around the garden.

He (ripple) ___ with laughter.

They (slink) ___ away into the shadows.

We (swish) ___ down the hallway.

I (bob) ___ up and down in the waves.

She (stomp) ___ her feet in anger.

He (strut) ___ down the street with confidence.

They (skim) ___ across the surface of the water.

We (nestle) ___ into the corner of the sofa.

I (tiptoe) ___ around the house.

She (teeter) ___ across the room.

He (skim) ___ through the pages of a book.

They (dangle) ___ their feet over the edge of the pier.

We (lope) ___ along the trail.

I (bounce) ___ down the stairs.

She (sway) ___ back and forth on the swing.

He (stagger) ___ away in a drunken state.

They (frolic) ___ in the waves.

We (creep) ___ around the corner.

I (trundle) ___ down the hill in my wagon.

She (jog) ___ around the track.

He (saunter) ___ down the sidewalk.

They (sprint) ___ to their destination.

We (lumber) ___ through the snow.

I (jaunt) ___ around town.

She (hurtle) ___ across the finish line.

He (drift) ___ away in his boat.

They (skedaddle) ___ away from danger.

We (scurry) ___ back to the safety of our hiding place.

I (pace) ___ around the room.

She (sashay) ___ across the floor.

He (toddle) ___ across the room.

They (traverse) ___ the rocky terrain.

We (wobble) ___ down the hall.

I (scuttle) ___ across the floor

She (plod) ___ through the mud.

He (stalk) ___ towards his prey.

They (mosey) ___ down the street.

We (lug) ___ our bags up the stairs.

I (shuffle) ___ down the sidewalk.

She (scamper) ___ away from danger.

He (stride) ___ with purpose.

They (ambulate) ___ around the room.

We (lope) ___ down the trail.

I (meander) ___ along the shore.

She (ski) ___ down the mountain.

He (prowl) ___ around the perimeter of the camp.

They (creep) ___ through the forest.

We (hoist) ___ the sail.

I (zoom) ___ down the street on my bicycle.

She (scurry) ___ away from danger.

He (swoop) ___ down for a closer look.

They (stagger) ___ away from the explosion.

We (careen) ___ around the corner.

I (clomp) ___ around the playground.

She (tumble) ___ down the stairs.

He (prance) ___ around the ring.

They (trudge) ___ through the desert.

We (plunge) ___ intR: plungede lake.

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